Ok. So I have a three year old princess, drama queen. My friend Kristy Riddle warned me but I thought to myself, not my sweet girl. She wasn't bad at two, but boy has she changed in the last month. I believe in terrible 3's. Ok so here's the deal. We had to go to walmart to buy a few things. I get Karlea out of the car. She doesn't want to ride in the buggy, she doesn't want to walk, she doesn't want to hold my hand, she wants me to carry her. I know she's petite, but you can imagine Walmarts parking lot today. We're at the end of the lot. Not really, but you get what I'm saying. Anyway, Karlea is not extremely heavy but too heavy to be carrying and trying to pull a buggy. I put her in the buggy. She screams bloody murder. Everyone is looking. I just keep my cool and proceed to the front of the store. We get in there and she is so loud. I begin to lose it. I told her she had two choices, ride in the buggy or walk. I take her out of the buggy. She throws herself in the floor. I try to keep walking to see if she will come on. Nope. By this time I have totally lost it. I could feel my face getting hot and my nostrils were surely flaring. I grabbed her up, left my buggy and took her to the bathroom for you know "the talk". She was not listening so I had to blister her bottom. Still nothing. She screams even louder. What do you do? I know people were thinking stuff. But what? I wonder are they thinking "she needs to blister her end" or "i'm going to watch this lady". You never really know these days. Everyone who knows me knows that I would never beat my kid. I just wanted to scream back at her. I decided that this wasn't getting us anywhere. I held her and took her outside to get my buggy. It's gone! Great just what I need to stand in line to get another buggy. I noticed on the other side are buggies. We run into Mr Mike and Mrs Sandy. Sweet people! I was so embarassed. I know they probably heard her screaming. I wanted to melt. Well we get to the other side. I set Karlea down to pull the buggy out and she starts up again. I told her the same thing. Buggy or walk. She screams even louder. I could feel the peircing of people's eyes on me. I couldn't take it any longer. I grabbed her up screaming and just left. No groceries, no nothing except elevated blood pressure. Some days you just have to pick your battles. Today, Karlea won.