About the Cox Family

This blog is about our family. Brandon and I married on June 3, 2000 after dating about a year and a half. We went to high school together but never really talked with each other even though we lived on the same road. We now have Connor,8 and Karlea,4. We also have two dogs, Belle and Patch. We also have two goldfish, Freddie and Dory. Hope you enjoy!

Connor and Karlea

Connor and Karlea

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Karlea's sayings

Something funny Karlea said the other night: First off, our pastor's name is Adam. So the other night she was "reading" her Bible to me. It was the story about Adam and Eve. And she said, and there's Brother Adam naked as a jaybird. I explained to her that Adam was different that Brother Adam. It was funny anyway. Kids say the funniest things. I've tried to remember some of the things that my two have said. I told myself to write them down but I didn't. She also says "oh man" when she's frustrated. I need to get back to getting the fam ready for bed.

1 comment:

Beth said...

This is the funniest thing I have heard all day! She is too cute!! Hoep she has a great Birthday today!