About the Cox Family

This blog is about our family. Brandon and I married on June 3, 2000 after dating about a year and a half. We went to high school together but never really talked with each other even though we lived on the same road. We now have Connor,8 and Karlea,4. We also have two dogs, Belle and Patch. We also have two goldfish, Freddie and Dory. Hope you enjoy!

Connor and Karlea

Connor and Karlea

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Ok, I love the rain, but not this much. It makes you feel down. I hope that it slacks up some before tomorrow. We plan to go to the lake. I know we'll be getting wet anyway if we get in the water, but rain is different, it's cold.
At church this morning we did things a little different. It was awesome. Brother Adam spoke about Memorial Day, but not in the way you think. Today we honored Jesus by giving his life for ours. I never really thought about it that way. Good service.
This past week Karlea turned 3. She is quite the princess and ball player. She is going to be like me. I love to dress up but I like getting dirty too. She got a pink dress up set from her Ganny and PawPaw Wilson. Connor gave her a t-ball set.
Connor got his diploma from Kindergarten this past Thursday. I couldn't be there but mom got some pics for me. He is not real happy about going into the first grade. He wants Mr.Key to be his teacher next year.
I have a few more days to work and then I'll be finished for Summer Vacation. Yippy!!! I plan to spend a lot of time with my kids and do some home improvements. (I'll try anyway)

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