About the Cox Family

This blog is about our family. Brandon and I married on June 3, 2000 after dating about a year and a half. We went to high school together but never really talked with each other even though we lived on the same road. We now have Connor,8 and Karlea,4. We also have two dogs, Belle and Patch. We also have two goldfish, Freddie and Dory. Hope you enjoy!

Connor and Karlea

Connor and Karlea

Saturday, July 3, 2010

nothing accomplished this week!

Considering we only have a few more weeks left before school starts, I didn't accomplish anything this past week. We went to Birmingham 4 times. The house is a disaster. It seems as though everything is quitting. My refrigerator has quit. My cell phone has quit. We are trying to refinance the house. In doing that, we decided we should trade my car in for a car with a smaller payment since our house payment will go up (going from 30 to 15 years). So the only thing I did accomplish this week is getting a new car with a lower payment. Yay me. I got a Ford Fusion. I feel like I'm a Flintstone. It's been an adjustment from seeing everything up high and now feeling like I'm driving right off the ground. I keep thinking I should have a hole in the floor of the car for my feet to "drive" the car because it is so low to the ground compared to my Explorer. Anyway, it's nice. We've had to eat out a lot since the refrigerator has quit. Fast food, or any food for that matter, is expensive $$$$$$!!!!!!

The Ford Fusion

Oh yeah, one more thing. My lovely father-in-law bought Connor and Karlea a go cart. I try not to be too overbearing and try not to be all over the kids but oh my goodness. Connor is use to driving a four-wheeler so I'm use to it a little. Karlea absolutely loves it. SCARY! I had to drag her off of it.

Wonderful Go-Cart

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